Scalable in preference to scaleable.
Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Does not include Iceland or Finland. See also Nordic countries.
scientific names for animals and plants
See Genus, species.
One word.
Lower case: spring, summer, autumn, winter.
server side, server-side
Two words as a noun, hyphenated as an adjective: server-side validation; validation on the server side.
set up, setup
Two words as a verb; one word as a noun or adjective.
share together
Almost always redundant. You can’t share anything on your own.
Not “shoe-in”, which is a nonsensical misspelling.
Hyphenated as an adjective; two separate words as a noun. Your short‑term plans relate to your actions in the short term.
Hyphenated as a noun; two separate words as a verb.
Hyphenated as a noun; two separate words as a verb.
site map, sitemap
Two words except in the specific context of an XML sitemap (as used by Google and other public search engines) – then it’s one word.
sliver, slither
A very thin slice of something (cake or bacon, for example) is a sliver. Not a slither. Slither is what a snake does.
One word.
solar system
Not capitalised, regardless of whether it’s our solar system or another solar system.
See compass points.
See compass points.
southern Africa
The S of southern is not capitalised because it’s not a political or administrative region. (But South Africa does, of course, take capital S, because it’s the name of a country.)
See compass points.
spring [season]
Not capitalised.
One word.
It’s one word, not hyphenated, when used in the sense of a company or project initiated by an entrepreneur.
STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)
The acronym takes block caps. Writing “Stem” with only an initial capital would be nonsensical because it’s not a proper noun or a regular word; it’s an acronym that represents a number of distinct terms.
One word.
Not straightjacket.
strata, stratum
Plural: strata. Singular: stratum.
style guide
Two words.
No hyphen.
sub-Saharan Africa
Lower case S for sub.
Not capitalised.
In sync rather than in synch.
systematic, systemic
Sometimes confused.
- Systematic means pretty much the same as methodical: done or acting according to a set method or system.
- Systemic means relating to a (whole) system: a systemic disease is widespread, as opposed to a localised disease. If you read of “systematic bias”, the author almost certainly meant “systemic bias”.